Call for papers and participation
The University of Debrecen and the Eszterházy Károly University are organizing the
11th International Conference on Applied Informatics
Eger, Hungary

The conference is oriented toward professional exchange of ideas in the field of Applied Informatics. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for the discussion of academic research. The location of the conference offers a unique atmosphere of an old medieval city in conjunction with Hungarian hospitality.
The conference will have the following sections:
- Artificial Intelligence including Machine Learning
- Computer Aided Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics
- Computer Networks and Cloud Services
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Cooperative Research and Innovation
- Data Science including Database Systems
- Education and other fields of Applied Informatics
- Applications of Informatics
- Functional Programming
- Operational Research
- Security and Cryptography
- Smart Solutions including Embedded systems
- Software Design and Object Oriented Programming
- Testing and Verification including Formal Methods
We also welcome contributions to our poster session on the second day of the conference. The poster session will be 45 minutes long. Posters should present ongoing work or achievements in the area of Applied Informatics to be displayed and discussed with other participants in an informal manner.
Committee members
Conference Chairmen
- Fazekas, István
- Kovásznai, Gergely
Program committee
- Balla, Tamás
- Biró, Csaba
- Bodó, Zalán
- Cerna, David
- Csató, Lehel
- Csendes, Tibor
- Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet
- Czapné Makó, Zita
- Fazekas, István
- Fülöp, Zoltán
- Geda, Gábor
- Herdon, Miklós
- Hoffmann, Miklós
- Horváth, Zoltán
- Horváth, Ildikó
- Husi, Géza
- Ispány, Márton
- Jebelean, Tudor
- Juhász, Imre
- Juhász, Tibor
- Király, Roland
- Kovacs, Laura
- Kovásznai, Gergely
- Kozsik, Tamás
- Kusper, Gábor
- Lengyelné Molnár, Tünde
- Lovas, Róbert
- Mankovits, Tamás
- Novák, Tamás
- Olajos, Péter
- Pataricza, András
- Pethő, Attila
- Popov, Nikolaj
- Porkoláb, Zoltán
- Prantner, Csilla
- Racsko, Réka
- Schreiner, Wolfgang
- Szathmáry, László
- Szederkényi, Gábor
- Sztrik, János
- Szűcs, Veronika
- Tómács, Tibor
- Tóth, Erzsébet
- Tóth, Zsolt
- Troll, Ede
- Vajda, Róbert
- Vaszil, György
- Yang, Zijian Győző
- Zsakó, László
Organizing Committee
- Chairman: Kusper, Gábor
- Chairman: Király, Roland
- Király Sándor
- Czapné Makó, Zita
- Troll, Ede
- Balla, Tamás
- Szakács, Tamás
- Tajti, Tibor
- Bogdándy, Bence
- Kunné Tamás, Judit
- Biró, Csaba
- Göböly, Klotild
- Balaska, Piroska
- Nagyné Bertalan, Ágnes
- Racsko, Réka
- Takács, Péter
- Szigetváry, Péter
Dates and fees
- Submission of abstracts and posters:
December 1 - Registration:
January 6 - Submission of papers:
January 28 - Notification:
March 15 - Submission of camera-ready papers:
April 15
Registration fee
including the conference proceedings (for participants), and the welcome party (for every registered person)
Participant | 43.000 HUF or 140 € |
PhD student | 26.000 HUF or 80 € |
Poster presenter | 26.000 HUF or 80 € |
Accompanying person | 19.000 HUF or 60 € |
There are many excellent hotels and resorts at different price ranges near the conference venue. Please book your accommodation directly, eventually using the booking reference "ICAI-2020" to obtain a discount price at the following hotel:
Hotel Estella**
Address: 3300 Eger Egészségház u. 4.
Phone: +36 36 523 476
lunch | 3.300 HUF or 10 € /person/day |
dinner | 6.000 HUF or 20 € /person/day |
dinner with wine-sampling (January 30th, 2020) | 7.500 HUF or 23 € |
The location of the conference
"C" Building of Eszterházy Károly UniversityAddress: 3300 Eger, Leányka str. 4.
Location: 47.9028368, 20.3866987
For participants from outside of Hungary, please transmit the fee to the following bank account:
Account holder: ABACUS Alapitvany
Bank: Kereskedelmi es Hitelbank, 3300 Eger, Szechenyi u. 4.
Account number: IBAN HU98 1020 1006 5022 2779 0000 0000
For participants from Hungary, please transmit the fee to the following bank account:
Account holder: ABACUS Alapítvány
Bank: Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank, 3300 Eger, Széchenyi u. 4.
Account number: 1020 1006 5022 2779 0000 0000